With the proliferation of Social Media in recent years, and the willingness of people to post virtually everything about their lives, the small-town experience is available to people all over the world: that is, everyone’s business is everyone else’s business. For example, many Joneses now…

If you judge success only in terms of asset accumulation, the biggest roadblock to your success will be determining how much is enough. In other words, at what dollar value is success reached? If your answer involves a comparison to what those around you have,…

We hear a lot about stress and people getting “stressed out!” But what is stress and why is it important to our basic survival? “Stress is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with…

My cooking doesn’t always turn out the way I expect. The other night my wife suggested I cook the two brats that were leftover from the night before. She said they would be good for my lunch at work the next day. Sure, why not?…

Each semester I asked my students to identify people who they considered to be successful. Most would pick a professional athlete, the head of a large corporation, or some other person in the news. When asked to explain why these individuals were successful, the most…

Many times we set “bad” financial goals like going on a vacation, buying a computer, or paying off the house.  Why are these not “good” goals?  It’s not because they are not worthy of pursuing, it’s because they are not specific enough.  A good goal…

Most people have spending problems, not financial problems.  That is, they have “sufficient” income to meet their basic needs and many of their wants.  However, it’s their unplanned and uncontrolled spending that gets them into money troubles.    We are bombarded daily with hundreds, perhaps…

We spend a lot of time eating. However, with our busy schedules many of us, compared to generations past, spend a lot less time preparing what we eat. In an effort to slow down a bit and get more “in touch” with the food I…

I have a little orange sticky note at work that I attached to the bottom of my computer screen. Whenever things get hectic and I begin to feel overwhelmed, I try to implement the advice written on that note: “Focus on the Fundamentals.” This is…

How many times have you said to yourself, “If I only had a little extra money I could . . . ?” There are only three legal ways to have more money to spend: (1) someone gives it to you (inheritance, find, lottery, etc.), (2)…