There is more to the story of my two persistent potatoes. I had some potting soil left over from this year’s gardening, and I thought, “What the heck?” So I trimmed the existing vines, cut the top of an empty orange juice container, filled it with soil, and planted those dried up little things. About a week ago I noticed a small green shoot emerging. Then, true to form, the shoot began to get tall and leggy as it looked for sunlight. Being the wrong time of year to plant anything outdoors, I setup my grow light. Other shoots have since pushed their way through the soil.
Some people may not find this whole event of much interest, or worth thinking about. But, to me, it is one of the many miracles in life, and truly a spiritual experience. And, at the very least, is a fine example of perseverance!
How has being persistent helped you manage your financial life?