Well-meaning individuals often give advice that sounds simple, but is often very difficult to implement. Some of this advice, repeated over and over, has become part of our social consciousness. These “words of wisdom” are often given when people are hurting or trying to deal…

When the weather warmed up this past Spring, I planted the remaining Persistent Potato in my garden (one of the two did not make it through the winter). However, its trials were not over yet. We had an infestation of grasshoppers this year. The grasshoppers…

There is more to the story of my two persistent potatoes. I had some potting soil left over from this year’s gardening, and I thought, “What the heck?” So I trimmed the existing vines, cut the top of an empty orange juice container, filled it…

A few weeks ago I was looking for something on one of the shelves in the basement. Wrapped in and around the bottom shelf were several long potato vines. My first thought was “where did these come from?” Then I remembered that we had some…

I was contemplating the old expression “take time to smell the roses” shortly before I took this picture. Plenty of bad things are happening in the world and there is a lot of negative “noise” around us. It can be discouraging, and downright depressing. However,…